Transition Wing

The wing is headed by General Manager (Transition). The Wing is the most important in terms of managing the change and transition process. The Wing overall is to contribute in realization of the one of the key functions of SIDA regarding managing the transition process, promote formation, growth and development of the AWBs and FOs into self supporting and financially self sustaining entities. The Social Development Specialist, Manager Communication and Manager HRD would report to GMT and would be integral part of and would head the units and cells created to augment the reform implementation process. In case absence of GMT, the SDS would act as Acting GM and head of the Wing. The position of Managers and social mobilization officers has also been introduced to support the Wing through its cells and units. The Wing is divided into following three Sections;



Headed by

Major Tasks

Social Development Cell

Social Development Specialist

Growth and development of AWBs FOs, Social Development, Social mobilization, FO training and capacity building

Media and Communication Section

Manager Media & Communication

Awareness, information disclosure, liaison with the public and the news media, Publication and News Letters

HRD Section


Manager HRD

Education, Manpower Planning, Training and Deployment, Management of Performance and Capacity Building of SIDA Staff

Under the WSIP Project and as per WSIP ISEA recommendations, the Environmental Management and Social Development Cell (SDC) of SIDA would be strengthened in order to support implementation of Social and EMF/EMPs under the project and also to improve SIDA's capacity in planning, development and operation of water resources management systems with proper consideration to environmental and social issues and participation of stakeholders in order to make water systems sustainable in the long run and generate higher benefits.

In addition to above a Training Centre has also been established by SIDA in the Transition Department. The training centre will undertake training activities for which enough funding is already provided in WSIP project PC-1 in the component E of the project i.e. Project Management, Coordination and Technical Assistance. The center's establishment/operational cost would be identified later-on from the block allocation. A note on SIDA Training Centre. Moreover, a Farmer organization complaint centre (FOCC) has also been established in the department to address the issues and concerns of stakeholders, especially of farmers and FOs.