e. Technical Papers prepared and presented in National and International Conferences are as under;

1 Educating Farmers on Environment;

2 Pollution of Indus Waters and the Drainage System of Sindh;

3 Generation of Electricity and Consumable Gas by Utilization of Agricultural Waste in Nara Canal Area Water Board;

4 Performance of LBOD System During Monsoon;

6 Irrigation Water Management and Role of Farmer Organization: A Case Study on Photo Minor, Sindh;

6 Telemetry System in the Irrigation Network;

7 Irrigation Network Regulation through CAD System.

8 Environmental Impacts of Polluted Water of Hamal Lake and Drainage System on Agriculture Lands.

9 Role of Farmers and Engineers in Water Management.

10 Participation of Farmers in the Management Drainage System

11 Impact of urban and industrial effluent and solid water disposal into the irrigation canals

12 Environmental Impact of Saline Effluent into Hamal Lake

13 Environmental Mass Awareness among Farmers & Stakeholders

14 Impact of Industrial effluent of Kotri SITE on Adjacent area and Kalri Baghar Canal

15 Safeguarding the Environment through Sound and Sustainable Management of Solid Waste in Pakistan

f. Revised PC-I of EMU-SIDA:

1 Prepared revised PC-I of Environmental Management Unit (EMU) - SIDA, and got approved from PDWP on 28 th May, 2007 .

2 Government of Sindh allocated 11.00 million in the Annual Development Programme 2007-2008 for EMU-SIDA.